WalletD Overview

This page is intended to be a basic introduction to how WalletD is able to manage wallets, interact with it using your mnemonic phrase, and send currency to other addresses.

Imports needed for this section

use walletd::prelude::*; // Imports the necessary modules for WalletD's core functionality
use walletd::walletd_bip39::prelude::*; // Imports the necessary modules to work with BIP39 
use walletd::walletd_bitcoin::prelude::*; // Imports the necessary modules for Bitcoin
use walletd::walletd_ethereum::prelude::*;// Imports the necessary modules for Ethereum

Restoring from a mnemonic phrase (Creating an HD KeyPair using a BIP39 Mnemonic)

Here's how you can create a KeyPair from a Bip39Mnemonic using the KeyPairBuilder.


let mnemonic_phrase = "outer ride neither foil glue number place usage ball shed dry point"; // Store our mnemonic phrase in a string
let bip39_mnemonic = Bip39Mnemonic::builder().mnemonic_phrase(mnemonic_phrase).build()?; // Attempt to use the BIP39 Mnemonic Builder to restore from your phrase
let seed = bip39_mnemonic.to_seed(); // This retrieves a hexidecimal representation of your mnemonic phrase
println!("seed_hex: {:x}", seed); //  This gets a hexidecimal value 
let master_hd_key = HDKey::new_master(seed, HDNetworkType::TestNet)?; // Creates an instance of an HDKey
let keypair = KeyPair::builder().mnemonic_phrase(mnemonic_phrase.into()).network_type(HDNetworkType::TestNet).build()?; // Derives a keypair from your master key
assert_eq!(keypair.to_master_key(), master_hd_key);

Using your keypair to derive one or more wallets (Deriving Wallets)

The KeyPair::derive_wallet method can be used to derive a cryptowallet for a specific cryptocurrency from a KeyPair. You can specify a concrete struct that implements the CryptoWallet trait such as BitcoinWallet or EthereumWallet to derive a cryptowallet from the keypair of the specified concrete type.


let mut btc_wallet = keypair.derive_wallet::<BitcoinWallet>()?; // Retrieve an instance of a Bitcoin wallet
let mut eth_wallet = keypair.derive_wallet::<EthereumWallet>()?; // Retrieve an instance of an Ethereum wallet

Telling WalletD which data endpoints to use to retrieve blockchain data (BlockchainConnectors)

In order to interact with a specific Blockchain, we need to tell WalletD where to access the relevant information from.

WalletD uses the concept of blockchain connectors to allow for different endpoints to be used to retrieve data. These blockchain connectors will be needed in order to retrieve network information.

WalletD currently supports connecting to Blockstream for Bitcoin data. For Ethereum, WalletD supports the use of any Ethereum node that follows the Ethereum JSON-RPC specification

You can setup a Blockstream blockchain client to access the Bitcoin blockchain and an EthClient blockchain client to access the Ethereum blockchain. Specifying a valid endpoint url is required for any WalletD blockchain client. To associate an existing instance of a CryptoWallet with a blockchain client, use the set_blockchain_client method on the CryptoWallet object.

Associating a wallet with a specific blockchain data source

let btc_blockchain_client = Blockstream::new("https://blockstream.info/testnet/api")?; // Create a BTC blockchain connector
let eth_blockchain_client = EthClient::new("https://goerli.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161")?; // Create an ETH blockchain connector
btc_wallet.set_blockchain_client(btc_blockchain_client)?; // Set the data source for this wallet by telling it which connector to use
btc_wallet.set_blockchain_client(eth_blockchain_client)?; // Set the data source for this wallet by telling it which connector to use

Use the CryptoWallets

Once you have a cryptowallet object associated with a blockchain client you can use the cryptowallet to access blockchain data. Any object that implements the CryptoWallet trait must implement functions within the trait which include balance, and transfer.


println!("btc_wallet balance: {} BTC", btc_wallet.balance().await?.btc());
let mut eth_wallet = keypair.derive_wallet::\<EthereumWallet\>()?;
print!("eth_wallet public address: {}", eth_wallet.public_address());
let eth_client = EthClient::new("https://goerli.infura.io/v3/9aa3d95b3bc440fa88ea12eaa4456161")?;
println!("eth_wallet balance: {} ETH", eth_wallet.balance().await?.eth());