
WalletD features the ability to create and work with Ethereum wallets. This resource provides documentation related to Ethereum in WalletD.

EthereumWallet Struct

Contains the information needed to interact with an Ethereum wallet with a single public address associated with it.

EthereumWallet Struct Methods

  • address_format(&self) -> EthereumFormat

    • Returns the address format used by the wallet
  • public_address(&self) -> String

    • Returns the public address of the wallet
  • network(&self) -> HDNetworkType

    • Returns the network type used by the wallet
  • public_key(&self) -> Result<EthereumPublicKey, Error>

    • Returns the public key of the wallet
  • private_key(&self) -> Result<EthereumPrivateKey, Error>

    • Returns the private key of the wallet if it exists, otherwise returns an error
  • master_hd_key(&self) -> Result<HDKey, Error>

    • Returns the master HD key of the wallet if it exists, otherwise returns an error
  • derived_hd_key(&self) -> Result<HDKey, Error>

    • Returns the derived HD key of the wallet if it exists, otherwise returns an error

EthereumWallet's Implementation of the CryptoWallet Trait

  • set_blockchain_client(&mut self, client: Self::BlockchainClient)

    • Associates a particular blockchain client with the CryptoWallet
  • blockchain_client(&self) -> Result<&Self::BlockchainClient, Self::ErrorType>

    • Returns the blockchain client that is associated with the CryptoWallet if it exists, otherwise returns an error
  • balance(&self) -> Result<Self::CryptoAmount, Self::ErrorType>

    • Returns the balance of the CryptoWallet as a CryptoAmount
  • transfer(&self, send_amount: &Self::CryptoAmount, public_address: &str) -> Result<String, Self::ErrorType>

    • Sends a transaction from the CryptoWallet to a given public address with a given amount
  • sync(&mut self) -> Result<(), Self::ErrorType>

    • Syncs the CryptoWallet with the blockchain
  • receive_address(&self) -> Result<String, Self::ErrorType>

    • Returns the receive address of the CryptoWallet, this is the address that is used to receive transactions
  • builder() -> Self::WalletBuilder

    • Returns a builder for the CryptoWallet that can be used to build a CryptoWallet with custom options

EthereumWalletBuilder Struct

Builder for EthereumWallet, allows for specification of options for the ethereum wallet

EthereumWalletBuilder Struct Methods

  • default() -> Self

    • Specifies the default options for the EthereumWalletBuilder The default address format is EthereumFormat::Checksummed The default network type is HDNetworkType::MainNet The default HDPathBuilder is m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 By default neither the master HD key nor the mnemonic seed are specified
  • master_hd_key(&mut self, master_hd_key: HDKey) -> &mut Self

    • Allows specification of the master HD key for the wallet
  • address_format(&mut self, address_format: EthereumFormat) -> &mut Self

    • Allows specification of the address format for the wallet
  • mnemonic_seed(&mut self, mnemonic_seed: Seed) -> &mut Self

    • Allows specification of the mnemonic seed for the wallet
  • network_type(&mut self, network_type: HDNetworkType) -> &mut Self

    • Allows specification of the network type for the wallet, the default is HDNetworkType::MainNet

EthereumWalletBuilder's Implementation of the CryptoWalletBuilder Trait

  • new() -> Self

    • Constructs a new CryptoWalletBuilder
  • build(&self) -> Result<T, T::ErrorType>

    • Builds a CryptoWallet from the CryptoWalletBuilder
  • master_hd_key(&mut self, master_hd_key: HDKey) -> &mut Self

    • Specifies the master HD key (HDKey) for the CryptoWalletBuilder.
  • mnemonic_seed(&mut self, mnemonic_seed: Seed) -> &mut Self

    • Specifies the mnemonic seed (Seed) for the CryptoWalletBuilder.
  • address_format(&mut self, address_format: T::AddressFormat) -> &mut Self

    • Specifies the address format (CryptoWallet::AddressFormat) for the CryptoWalletBuilder.
  • hd_path_builder(&mut self, hd_path_builder: HDPathBuilder) -> &mut Self

    • Specifies the HD path builder (HDPathBuilder) for the CryptoWalletBuilder.
  • network_type(&mut self, network_type: T::NetworkType) -> &mut Self

    • Specifies the network type CryptoWallet::NetworkType for the CryptoWalletBuilder.

EthereumPrivateKey Struct

Represents a private key for an Ethereum wallet, wraps a SecretKey from the secp256k1 crate

EthereumPrivateKey Struct Methods

  • to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 32]

    • Represent the private key as a byte array
  • from_slice(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Error>

    • Instantiate the private key from a slice of bytes, errors if given invalid bytes

EthereumPublicKey Struct

Represents an EthereumPublicKey, wraps a PublicKey from the secp256k1 crate

EthereumPublicKey Struct Methods

  • to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 33]

    • Converts the public key to a byte array
  • from_slice(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, Error>

    • Constructs the public key from a slice of bytes, returns an error if given invalid bytes
  • to_public_address(&self, address_format: EthereumFormat) -> Result<String, Error>

    • Returns the public address of the public key in the specified format